Monday, December 14, 2009

The Symbolical Meaning of Temples in Hinduism and Buddhism

The symbolical meaning of a temple from Hinduism perspective. The foot of the temple represents the lower level of life (Bhurloka). Bhurloka is the environment where living creatures or ordinary people live.

The body of the temple represents the intermediate level of life (Bhuvarloka). Bhuvarloka is the place where humans leave their worldly nature to be half-god creatures. This is why in the body of the temple there is the statue of a king. It means that the body of the king has been purified.

The top of the temple represents the higher level of life (Svarloka). Svarloka is the place of gods, the most sacred and free from death.

The symbolical meaning of a temple from Buddhism perspective. The foot of the temple represents the world of desire (Kamadhatu). Kamadhatu is the world where desire plays significant a role in life.

The body of the temple represents the world of forms (Rupadhatu). Rupadhatu is the world which is free from overwhelming desires, but human is still bound to its names and forms.

The top of the temple represents the formless world (Arupadhatu). Arupadhatu is the world which has no orientation to names and forms.

Check out my other guide on Hindu Gods Statue
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