Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Perang Browser_ IE_Firefox_Opera_Chrome_Safari

Perang Browser IE Firefox Opera Chrome Safari
Sekarang banyak sekali Browser yang mengklaim bahwa mereka yang paling cepat di Bumi, The world’s fastest browser. Trus kita yang cuma jadi pemakai ya jadi bingung kan. Sebenarnya semua sama tujuannya, mengembangkan teknologi menjadi yang tercepat. Direkomendasikan menggunakan versi terakhir karena hasil dari pengembangan script-script dan inovasi dari pengembang software-software tersebut. 

Kita harus bijak dalam memilih, terkadang kita fanatik pada merk tertentu, terkadang kita juga sudah merasa nyaman dan tidak mencoba yang lain. Kalo pake browser yang lemot malah bikin emosi, marah-marah, cpu di pukulin/modem dibanting karena lambat minta ampun. Walah… kalo rusak barang-barangnya kita bisa tekor sendiri dong?

Malah sekarang banyak Perusahaan pengembang Browser menanamkan berbagai macam inovasi maupun fitur2 canggih di softwarenya. Opera mengatakan bahwa kecepatannya mampu mencapai 80 %, dengan persentase itu, dapat dikatakan browser ini lebih cepat daripada browser lain, juga karena kecepatan loading pagenya. Dilengkapi juga dengan Opera Turbo, mengklaim browser ini dapat menjelajah dunia maya dengan kecepatan turbo.. woww. 

Untuk browser Safari, Nitro Engine adalah mesin JavaScript super cepat yang digunakan untuk melipatgandakan kemampuan JavaScript pada browser Safari sampai 30x lipat lebih cepat. Tidak hanya itu, Apple juga meningkatkan performa HTML (HyperText Markup Language) di browser ini sehingga kemampuan membuka halamannya tiga kali lebih cepat dibanding Internet Explorer maupun Firefox, katanya sih. 

Untuk Chrome yang juga platform dari Google. Browser ini memiliki waktu loading cepat saat pertama kali dijalankan, mendukung multitab dan terasa mantap tampilannya. Dilengkapi dengan skin yang banyak dan bagus-bagus. 

Untuk Firefox banyak tambahan widget/add-ons nya, untuk versi terakhir yang Saya gunakan cukup cepat. Ini salah satu browser yang paling lama Saya pakai Oiya, ada juga Minefield (Firefox other version) dari Mozilla, Mozilla Minefield adalah versi alpha/pre-release dari Mozilla Firefox. Menurut keterangan resmi pihak Mozilla selaku pengembang browser, Mozilla Minefield merupakan browser tercepat di planet ini dengan kecepatan render JavaScript 10% lebih cepat dari Google Chrome. Ini juga patut dicoba. 

Kalau IE tidak usah dibahas.

Aduhh… jadi bingung memilih mana yang paling cocok buat kita. Masing-masing mengklaim mereka yang terhebat dan tercepat di dunia, weleh-weleh… Mendingan dicoba satu2 mana yang paling bagus dan cocok menurut kalian sendiri. Bagus tidaknya kan relative menurut kalian, kalo memakai kan bisa merasakan sendiri. Pastilah semua ada kelebihan maupun kekurangannya.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Download dan buat PayPal WishList di Facebook anda

Download dan buat PayPal WishList di Facebook anda

Untuk para Facebooker yang ingin mendapatkan impian mau punya gadget seperti Apple Macbook, Apple iPhone 3Gs, Lenovo Desktop, Canon Digital Camera, LCD TV dan lain-lain, ayo bikin PayPal WishList di Facebook!. Ada beberapa kategori wishlist yang ditawarkan oleh Aplikasi Facebook dari PayPal ini, seperti kategori movies, jewellery & watches,
beauty, fashion, music, video games, Books, home, dan travel.
Terus bagaimana caranya agar aku bisa mendapatkan Paypal WishList. Nah, begini langkah-langkahnya. Langsung saja anda download aplikasi PayPal WishList Facebook dan bikin wishlist kamu melalui situs www.paypalwishlist.com yang akan diredirect ke aplikasi PayPal WishList. Pengen praktis kamu bisa bikin PayPal WishList disini. Kemudian kamu akan diminta login dengan username/password Facebook kamu dan muncul kalimat seperti ini:

Before you start using the PayPal WishList, please note that in order to earn cash with your PayPal WishList credit, you have to be a registered PayPal user with a valid address and phone number in India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, or Vietnam. You can still continue to use the PayPal WishList application even if you do not have a registered PayPal account from the above listed countries.
(Quote from http://apps.facebook.com/paypalwishlist)

Kalo diterjemahkan dalam bahasa kita tercinta artinya:
Sebelum Anda mulai menggunakan PayPal WishList, harap dicatat bahwa untuk mendapatkan uang dengan kredit PayPal WishList Anda, Anda harus menjadi pengguna PayPal terdaftar dengan alamat yang valid dan nomor telepon di India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, Singapura, atau Vietnam. Anda masih dapat terus menggunakan aplikasi PayPal WishList bahkan jika Anda tidak memiliki rekening PayPal terdaftar dari negara-negara yang tercantum di atas.

I have read the notice dan bikin wishlist impianmu. Apalagi masih dalam taraf promosi yaitu sejak tanggal 16 November 2009 sampai pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009, PayPal WishList akan memberikan bonus sebesar $1 untuk setiap teman yang kamu invite (maksimal 6 orang perhari yang bisa kamu invite). Ayo,segera daftar PayPal WishList di Facebook sebelum waktu promosi berakhir!

perlu dibaca:
Ketentuan dan aturan PayPal WishList bisa dibaca di http://apps.facebook.com/paypalwishlist/tnc.php
Kalo belum punya
Paypal kamu bisa daftar dulu disini (gratis). Karena gajiannya akan dikirim lewat paypal.

Facebook Lite sudah hadir, termasuk di Indonesia.

Cara Membuat Rekening Paypal

Panduan Dalam Membuat Rekening Paypal

Apabila kita akan berbisnis online di internet. Terkadang kita diwajibkan mempunyai rekening paypal untuk proses pembayaran atau untuk keperluan transaksi. Akan tetapi ada teman-teman yang masih kesulitan dalam mendaftarkan paypal dikarenakan harus dimintai data kartu kredit. Padahal mereka belum punya kartu kredit. Apalagi bagi teman-teman yang masih kuliah atau masih sekolah dan baru memulai berbisnis lewat internet, ini pasti akan sangat sulit bagi mereka.

Nah, disini saya akan memberikan pernyataan bahwa dalam membuat rekening paypal kita sama sekali tidak membutuhkan kartu kredit.

Saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh (step by step) agar anda berhasil dalam memiliki rekening paypal.

Pertama-tama kita wajib dan harus membuka websitenya. Silahkan anda mengunjungi websitenya disini untuk memulainya.

Setelah anda masuk, anda akan disuguhi dengan sebuah konfirmasi, anda tekan saja tombol Sign Up Today.

Selanjutnya anda akan sampai dihalaman awal pendaftaran. Anda pilih negara Indonesia terlebih dahulu.

Setelah itu anda diminta memilih jenis rekening yang ditawarkan, ada tiga pilihan didalamnya yaitu Pribadi, Primer, dan Bisnis. Pilih salah satu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Saya anjurkan untuk memilih Pribadi/Primer. Atau suatu saat saya menganjurkan untuk anda memiliki kedua-duanya. Karena paypal memperbolehkan kita untuk memiliki maksimal dua rekening dengan data diri yang sama akan tetapi dengan jenis rekening yang berbeda. Kalo pilihan Bisnis untuk yang menggunakan nama kelompok atau perusahaan.

Langkah selanjutnya masukkan datadiri anda dengan datadiri anda yang benar, “jangan takut datadiri anda akan di salah gunakan oleh paypal,” karena paypal merupakan salah satu perusahaan rekening online (e-currency) paling besar di dunia yang telah melayani 190 negara, termasuk Indonesia. mereka telah memiliki credibility yang baik di dunia internasional. Sampai tahap ini semoga anda paham.

Oke, kita lanjutkan setengah perjalanan kita.
Dalam pengisian form ini perlu diperhatikan, dalam pengisian data nama depan, nama tengah, & nama belakang. Nama tengah tidak di wajibkan untuk anda isi. Akan tetapi apa yang terjadi jika seseorang hanya mempunyai satu nama, misalnya Budi saja. “Bagaimana mereka harus mengisi nama belakang mereka, jika kenyataanya kolom tersebut memang wajib untuk di isi pada saat pendaftaran?” Apabila anda menemukan contoh kasus seperti ini, atau mungkin anda sendiri yang mengalaminya, maka caranya dengan melakukan “pengulangan” nama depan sebagai nama belakang, atau jika anda memiliki gelar, anda pun dapat menggunakan gelar tersebut sebagai nama belakang anda, begitulah solusinya.

Pada kolom pengisian paling bawah anda akan diminta untuk memasukan data kartu kredit. “Ingat!!!”, ini pilihan!, Opsional, jadi anda diperbolehkan untuk tidak memasukkan data tesebut jika anda belum memiliki kartu kredit tersebut. Yang perlu anda lakukan hanya menghilangkan checklist/centang dihalaman tempat anda diminta memasukkan data kartu kredit tersebut. Setelah anda “menghilangkan checklist” nya, anda dapat kembali berlanjut dengan mengklik tombol “Saya setuju, buatkan rekening saya”.

Pada halaman selanjutnya anda akan di minta kembali untuk memasukkan data kartu kredit anda, namun sebetulnya pada tahap ini rekening paypal anda sudah jadi!, jika anda tidak percaya maka silahkan anda mencoba untuk mengklik link yang bertulisan “Masuk ke Rekening saya” yang dapat anda temukan pada bagian bawah halaman tersebut.

Selanjutnya anda dapat melihat tampilan rekening paypal yang baru saja anda buat dengan status yang belum terverifikasi:

Untuk proses verifikasi nanti bisa anda lakukan kapan saja jika anda sudah memiliki kartu kredit atau anda bisa memanfaatkan jasa VCC (Virtual Credit Card) jika anda kesulitan untuk mendapatkan kartu kredit untuk verifikasi. Di internet banyak sekali yang menjual yang namanya VCC dengan harga yang bervariasi tapi umumnya masih berkisar (+-) 75 ribu rupiah atau di bawah $10USD. “Apa yang terjadi ketika anda memverifikasi rekening paypal anda dengan kartu kredit nanti?” Paypal akan menarik biaya sebesar $1.95 USD dari kartu kredit anda dalam proses pem-verifikasian tersebut, nah uang ini (yang $1.95 USD) dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 48 jam akan dikembalikan ke rekening paypal anda. Jadi… sebenarnya tidak ada biaya dalam proses pem-verifikasian rekening paypal apabila kita memang memiliki kartu kredit. Sementara pada VCC, setelah kita memverifikasi rekening paypal kita dengan menggunakan VCC, rekening paypal kita pun akan di isi sebesar $1.95 USD segera setelahnya, dan dana selebihnya biasanya hanya sebagai uang jasa kepada si penyedia layanan VCC itu sendiri. “Lalu apa yang dapat anda lakukan dengan sebuah rekening paypal yang belum terverifikasi?”

Rekening paypal yang belum terverifikasi sudah dapat anda pergunakan untuk menerima kiriman uang dari rekening paypal manapun dari seluruh dunia tanpa batasan!(limit), bahkan andapun masih bisa mempergunakan rekening paypal anda yang belum terverifikasi ini untuk melakukan transfer uang ke rekening paypal lainnya selama proses akumulasi transfernya tidak melampaui limit $100 USD.

Dan yang terpenting paypal sama sekali tidak membebani kita dengan biaya administrasi setiap bulan seperti apabila kita memiliki rekening tabungan bank, sehingga uang yang kita kumpulkan sama sekali tidak akan berkurang apabila kita tidak melakukan transaksi, & hanya mempergunakan paypal untuk menerima pembayaran saja.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.
Salam jabat erat...

Langkah-Langkah Membuat Blog di Blogger.
by: Rahmat Dharmawan

Monday, December 21, 2009

Membuat Blog di Blogger

Membuat Blog di Blogger

Sebelum dapat Membuat Blog di Blogger seperti kepunyaan Saya ini, yaitu layanan hosting Blogger. Anda harus membuat account google terlebih dahulu atau Anda harus mempunyai email, bagaimana cara membuat email dari Gmail bisa dibuka disini. Langsung saja, saya anggap Anda sudah mempunyai Gmail.

Saya berani mengatakan bahwa Membuat Blog di Blogger sama mudahnya membuat akun email. Cara membuat blog di blogger atau Langkah-langkah membuat blog di blogger akan Saya ajarkan tahap demi tahap. Sebagai langkah awal, Anda login ke Blogger.com, klik link "Buat Blog".

Pada langkah pertama pembuatan blog, Anda akan diantarkan ke halaman Ciptakan sebuah akun google.

Dihalaman langkah-langkah membuat blog di blogger ini Anda diminta untuk mengisi form yang meliputi alamat email Anda, ketik ulang alamat email Anda, masukkan password yang anda inginkan, masukkan password kembali, nama tampilan untuk menandai postingan Anda, selanjutnya mengetikkan kata verifikasi yang ditampilkan di halaman ini. Yang terakhir Anda aktifkan checklist sebagai indikasi bahwa Anda telah membaca dan menerima Persyaratan Layanan Blogger, walaupun Anda belum membacanya, he2. Setelah selesai, klik "lanjutkan".

Pada langkah kedua cara membuat blog di blogger ini, Anda akan masuk pada halaman Beri nama blog Anda. Pada halaman ini Anda diminta memasukkan judul blog yang Anda inginkan (Judul blog akan muncul pada blog yang Anda publikasikan, pada dasbor, dan pada profil Anda). Setelah itu Anda mengisi alamat blog (URL). URL yang Anda pilih akan digunakan oleh pengunjung untuk mengakses blog Anda. Setelah selesai, klik "lanjutkan".

Pada langkah ketiga cara membuat blog di blogger ini, Anda masuk pada halaman Memilih Template untuk blog Anda. Ini adalah tampilan yang akan muncul ketika Anda mempublikasikannya. Pilihannya beragam dan sesuaikan dengan selera Anda. Jika tidak ada yang sesuai dengan selera Anda, jangan khawatir, nanti masih banyak pilihan tema yang bisa Anda install sendiri. Sekarang pilih saja tema agar proses pembuatan blog bisa diselesaikan. Anda bisa preview tema dengan klik gambarnya. Setelah selesai, klik "lanjutkan".

Selanjutnya, Blogger akan membuat blog baru Anda dan mencadangkan spot Anda di BlogSpot. Selesai sudah langkah anda Membuat Blog di Blogger. Selamat berkreasi dengan blog Anda.

Langkah-langkah membuat blog di blogger dalam bentuk pdf bisa Anda download di www.rahmat-dharmawan.com/download-ebook-gratis.

Belum punya email, simak Langkah-Langkah Membuat email di Gmail.

Membuat email di Gmail

Langkah-Langkah Membuat Email di Gmail

Cara membuat email sendiri. Langkah-langkah membuat email sangatlah mudah, langkah pertama buka Gmail untuk masuk di halaman pendaftaran. Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman depan Gmail.com. Dihalaman tersebut ada pilihan untuk login/masuk ke account gmail bagi yang sudah mempunyai akun dan pilihan untuk register./daftar. Pilihan login digunakan bagi yang sudah mempunyai account gmail untuk membuka email mereka. Pilihan register digunakan bagi yang belum mempunyai account dan ingin mempunyai email di Gmail.com. Cara ini sama saja Cara membuat email untuk facebook atau untuk akun-akun lainnya seperti juga twitter. Membuat email sendiri hanya butuh waktu beberapa menit tergantung koneksi internet.

Gmail ini nantinya banyak sekali manfaatnya. Selain sebagai email, akun Gmail bisa dugunakan sebagai akun untuk mendaftar Google Adsense, Blogger, Webmaster, Google analitics, dll.

Oke, setelah Anda sampai dihalaman depan website pendaftaran Gmail, langkah selanjutnya tekan pilihan “Buat akun/Create an Account” sebagai langkah pertama cara membuat email sendiri.

Langkah-langkah membuat email selanjutnya adalah, Anda akan diarahkan lagi pada halaman Buat Akun Google- Gmail/Get started with Gmail. Dihalaman tersebut silahkan isi form anda yang meliputi: nama depan, nama belakang, (bila tidak mempunyai nama belakang, diisi nama depan aja) nama login yang diinginkan (digunakan untuk masuk login nantinya/nama email Anda nantinya), sandi/password, permintaan masukkan kembali sandi (pilih semua cek/centang dipilih semua),

pertanyaan rahasia (sebagai pengaman bila anda lupa sandi anda), email sekunder (optional/tidak diisi nggak apa2), lokasi Anda, verifikasi kata, diminta membaca persyaratan layanan (tidak dibaca juga boleh kok). Setelah itu tekan pilihan “Saya menerima. Buat Akunku”.

Tahap terakhir cara membuat email sendiri sudah sampai pada halaman Pengantar ke Gmail. Selesai sudah tahap pembuatan email dan anda akan mendapat ucapan Selamat anda telah mendaftar ke Gmail, dan otomatis anda pun sudah mempunyai Gmail. Untuk melihat silahkan tekan tombol “Tunjukkan akun saya”. Mudah kan langkah-langkah membuat email, tiga tahap aja udah jadi email anda. Selanjutnya bisa Anda gunakan untuk mendaftar facebook bila Anda belum punya, karena cara membuat email untuk facebook ini telah selesai Anda buat.

Bagaimana, membuat email sendiri mudah kan? kunjungi info yang lainnya di blog ini.

Selamat mencoba.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Discovery of Borobudur Temple

For centuries, Borobudur had been buried in the darkness of history. Since the center of the culture moved from Central Java to East Java and Islam religion entered Indonesia, Borobudur Temple was totally forgotten. The remains of the greatness of Sailendra Dynasty sank into the darkness of a bushy jungle.

Borobudur was remembered again in the 18th century. In 1814, Borobudur Temple entirely emerged due to the great role of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles.

A Secret Revealed
It is mentioned in history books that the discoverer of Borobudur Temple was Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. The true discoverer of the temple were in fact the people around the Borobudur hill.

Raffles was the British Governor who represented Indonesia when the country was ruled by the British (1811—1816). Raffles was very interested in the history of Java Island. Raffles travelled a lot to various areas collecting information about the history of Java Island from the officials he met. The result of the journey was compiled in his book entitled History of Java, published in 1817. Since the publication of this book, Borobudur Temple became more popular.

Raffles’ efforts brought two contrasting results. On the one hand, Borobudur Temple became popular. On the other hand, since the discovery of Borodudur, many local people took the temple’s stones to be used as building materials.

The remains of the greatness of Sailendra Dynasty was almost forgotten by the history when the center of the culture moved to East Java in the 10th century A.D.

The name of Borobudur Temple was recorded again in Babad Mataram in 1757.

The holy and sacred Borobudur hill was once the witness of the rebellions annihilation by the ruler of Mataram in the 18th century. Sang Buddha was not willing that his ”eternity” was interrupted by the rebels.

These stupas would have never emerged in the history if Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles had not been concerned about the history of Java.

Borobudur Temple was no longer an eerie place since the attempts of cleaning and conserving, but during the same time, many stones were stolen from the temple.

Borobudur Temple became popular and will never be forgotten since the publication of ” History of Java” in 1817.

Check out my other guide on The Location of Borobudur Temple
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The Location of Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is located in Mungkid, about 15 kilometres to the south of Mount Tidar. Mount Tidar is believed as a fragment of Mount Mahameru in India brought here by the gods to nail down the Java Island which was then still floating unsteadily in the middle of the sea. The gods used Mount Tidar to tack the island firmly onto the Earth in order that humans could inhabit it. The legend names Mount Tidar as ” The Nail of Java Island.”

The area around ” The Nail of Java Island” is known as ” Kedu Plain”. The fertile soil and hardworking people are the reason why the area is well known as ”The Garden of Java Island”. Amid ”The Garden of Java Island”, Borobudur Temple was built by kings of the Sailendra Dynasty.

The Garden of Java Island where Borobudur Temple lies is surrounded by mountains and a mountain range. Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu guard the east side. In the northeast side, stand Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing. Meanwhile, the north and south sides of the temple are shielded by the range of Mount Tidar and Menoreh Mountains.

If it is seen from Borobudur Temple, the crest of Menoreh Mountains resembles a human figure in lying down pose. According to legend, it is Sang Gunadarma who is believed to be the architect of Borobudur Temple.

Not far from Borobudur Temple run two big rivers namely River Progo and River Elo. Both big rivers run almost in parallel flows from north to south and are blocked by the slope of Mountain Menoreh to entwine as River Progo which flows to the South Sea. It is believed that the stones used for constructing Borobudur Temple came from these two rivers.

Formerly, the area surrounding the confluence of River Progo and River Elo was a sacred shrine for the followers of Buddhism and Hinduism. It was proven by many temples found in this area. The remnants of Hindu temples are Banon Temple and Ngrajeg Temple. While those of Buddhist temples are Ngawen Temple, Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple, and Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur Temple had been built on the top of a hill which stretches horizontally from the east to the west. The back of the hill was transformed into a plane high land and on the top of it, the temple was built. The plains stretching at the west side was intended to be the place to build a monastery.

The high land which becomes the yard of the temple, is 15 metres above the surrounding area. And the top of the temple stands 19 metres above the temple’s yard. Borobudur Temple is built around and surrounds the top of the hill.

Check out my other guide on The Age and the Name of Borobudur Temple
Please leave a comment if you found this helpful.

The Age and the Name of Borobudur Temple

Some evidences were found by experts to be used in determining the age or era in which Borobudur Temple was built. Based on the short writings in Sanskrit and in Kawi letters which are carved on the bottom relief, experts suggest that Borobudur Temple was built around 800 A.D.

Such an expert’s opinion turns out to be in line with the historical frame of Indonesia in general and the history of Central Java in particular. The period between the 8th century and the mid of 9th century is known as the golden era of Sailendra Dynasty. This era is marked by the big number of temples built.

A Secret Revealed
The way experts determine the age of Borobudur Temple is is based on the ancient letters or writings which is called Paleography (a science of ancient writings). By comparing the shape of letters on Borobudur Temple and the shape of letters on the inscriptions of which the year number is known , then the age of Borobudur Temple can be revealed.

Rakai Panangkaran was the king who played a major role in the construction of Borobudur Temple. Rakai Panangkaran was the second king of Sanjaya Dynasty who converted himself to Buddhism and whose glory remained during Sailendra Dynasty as a loyal follower of Sang Buddha.

The name of Borobudur. According to Casparis, a Dutch archaeologist, the word Borobudur came from the phrase ” Bhumi Sambhara Budhara”. This is the name of a sanctuary mentioned on the Sri Kahulunan Inscription (824 A.D.). Casparis concluded the sanctuary or monastery mentioned on the Sri Kahulunan Inscription with Borobudur Temple.

Other experts, Poerbatjaraka and Stutterheim suggested that the name Borobudur came from the combination of ” Boro” and ” Budur”. Boro comes from the Sanskrit ” Vihara” which means a complex of temple ( monastery) or a dormitory. While ” Budur” in Balinese has the same meaning as ” Beduhur” which means ”top”. Therefore, the name Borobudur means a dormitory or monastery (complex of temple) which lies on the top of a hill.

Check out my other guide on The Indian Influence in Indonesia
Please leave a comment if you found this helpful.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Indian Influence in Indonesia

The cultural history period in Indonesia started with the entry of the Indian influence. This influence came through Hinduism and Buddhism religion and culture, especially physical culture in the form of temple monumental buildings and other artefacts.

Sanskrit language and Pallawa letters had been used in South India about 400 A.D. The discovery of 7 inscriptions in West Java written by King Purnawarman and 7 inscriptions in East Kalimantan (Borneo Island) all written by King Mulawarman in Sanskrit and Pallawa ensure that the entry of Indian influence to Indonesia was in 400 A.D.

The evidence of Indian influence in Indonesia. This evidence was the discovery of Hinduism artefacts, mainly in Kutai Kingdom, East Kalimantan and in Tarumanegara Kingdom, West Java. These artefacts are from the 4th—5th century A.D.

A Secret Revealed
The custom of honouring the foot prints was not only found in Indonesia, but almost in every cultural centre in the world. The most popular one was the foot prints of Buddha . In many places in Hindustan, the foot prints of Budha are found and much honoured by the followers.

The Indian influence grew stronger in Indonesia and reached its peak in the 7th–8th century A.D. Kalasan Temple which was built in the 9th century was strongly influenced by South India. This fact was supported by the existence of a flat stone in halfcircle shape in front of the entrance into a temple which was similar to moon stone shape in Buddhist temples in South India and Ceylon.

Borobudur Temple in Central Java.

The golden period of Indian influence. The significant influence of India in Indonesia was proven by many religious heritage in the form of temples such as Borobudur and Prambanan Temples.

In the periodization of Indonesian cultural history, the periode was called Indonesian-Classical Period. This term ”classical” is used to mark a cultural period when it reached the golden period.

Check out my other guide on Inscriptions
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Monday, December 14, 2009


What is an inscription? An inscription is an ancient writing which is carved or scratched on stone, metal, pottery, wood, brick, and lontar (a kind of palm) leaves. This writing was made regarding a decision of a land to be Sima (perdikan or tax-free land), building of a sacred place, and the solutions of legal problems.

Various letters and languages on the inscription. Letters used to write inscriptions were Pallawa, Jawa Kuno, Pra-Nagari, Dewanagari, and Arabic. Meanwhile, the languages were Sanskrit, Melayu Kuno, Jawa Kuno, Bali Kuno, and Arabic.

Sewu Temple. Based on the discovery of Manjusrigha inscription at the complex of Sewu Temple, a fact was revealed that Sewu Temple was built during Rakai Panangkaran period. Then, the building was continued by Rakai Panaraban (the ancestor of King Balitung).

Plaosan Temple. Based on the finding of short inscription in the complex of the temple which mentions the name Rakai Pikatan, some experts said that Plaosan Temple was built by the initiative of Rakai Pikatan.

Check out my other guide on The Building of Temples
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The Building of Temples

How was a temple built? On Kitab Silpasastra, a book containing knowledge about how to make a relief, statue, and temple, there is no description of how these stones ware constructed into a temple. There are various opinions about how the big and high temples were build.

The method and process of temple building. As the first step, with his authority, the king ordered his people to find and gather huge stones to be carried to the location of the temple. The building of Prambanan Temple is one of the evidence of a king’s authority. At that time, the kings of Sanjaya Dynasty ordered their people to gather huge stones to build a temple.

The second step, these stones were cut into pieces. The cutting should be based on the guidance of Kitab Silpasastra. These pieces were piled up onto the foundation and base of the temple.

The third step is the building of the temple’s body and top. After the bottom of the temple was built, then this part was covered by soil. This soil mound was used as a way to pull the huge stones which would be piled up as the temple’s body and top. The higher the temple building, the higher the mound around it, and the wider the area of the mound as well.

A Secret Revealed
The privilege of a king, ” buat haji/gawai haji” that enabled a king to empower his people to build a temple was not regarded as an order. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, giving your energy to build a temple is a kind of devotion to your belief. This fact explains as well as answers the question of why in 8th - 10th century A.D., particularly in Central Java, there were many big temples . This also reveales the fact that the building of temples in Indonesia was not a forced labour.

Another way to build the temple’s body and top was by pulling the huge stones upward using levelled wooden ladders. When the temple’s building was higher, the ladder should be higher, wider, and also longer.

The building of the temple did not use any adhesive or cement like in the present time’s buildings. The huge stones were just joined. One of the stones was holed and the other one was given a kind of brace. So, when the building of the temple collapsed, the stones would not shatter.

The placement of the god statue in the temple. After all parts of the temple were built, the last process was placing the statue of god in the temple. If a temple was used as monument, then the statue placement involved a great ceremony that was the burial of king’s ashes ceremony in the base of the temple.

A Secret Revealed
At the time the temple was found, there were many missing ” temple stones ” because of many reasons. Therefore, new stones were needed to replace the missing ones. However, as the renovation principle ordered to maintain the originality of archaeological heritage, then these new stones were given special marks, so the next generation will be able to recognize the difference between the new stones and the original ones .

Check out my other guide on Determining The Age of Temples
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Determining The Age of Temples

Some archaelogists use several methods to determine the age or the building period of a temple. The first one is based on the inscription. For example, Manjusrigrha Inscription was dated in 792 A.D. Manjusrigrha is the real name of Sewu (hundred) Temple. Sivagrha Inscription which was dated 856 A.D. is related to Prambanan Temple. Kalasan Inscription which was dated 887 A.D. is related to Kalasan Temple.

The building period of a temple can be seen from Candrasengkala. ”Gapuro buto mangan wong” is candrasengkala at Sukuh Temple which means that the temple was built on 1437 A.D. (the last period of Majapahit).

The second method is by comparing the art of the building or the temple architecture. This method is used if there is no inscription found. For example at Gedongsongo Temple. Based on the architecture of the temple, especially regarding the shape of the temple’s foot frame, the complex of Gedongsongo Temple is predicted to be from the same period as the complex of Dieng Temple which was built in 8th century A.D. during the reign of Sanjaya Dynasty.

Gebang Temple in Yogyakarta. Based on the shape of the temple’s foot which has high proportion, Van Romandt, an archaeologist said that Gebang Temple was built during the old period (730 - 800 A.D.).

The third method is by conducting a palaeography research. Paleography is the science which studies the types, shapes, characteristics, and the development of ancient letters. According to archaeologist N.J. Krom and Stutterheim, Sewu Temple was built in the end of the 9th century.

Check out my other guide on The Shapes of Temples
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The Shapes of Temples

The changes on the shapes of temples. During the 10th century A.D., there was a moving of cultural center from Central Java to East Java. Because of this movement, the shapes of cultural products like temples also changed.

Brahu Temple at Trowulan area, East Java. Brahu Temple is believed as a place to keep the ashes of the dead body of Prabu

Brawijaya’s from Majapahit. This temple was built through some phases like the temples in Central Java, but it was made from bricks.

Central Java temples.

• Temples were built before 1000 A.D.

• The shape of the buildings are large.

• The top of the temple is in the shape of gem (ratna) or stupa.

• The reliefs are protruding and the paintings are naturalistic.

• Most of the temples face east direction.

• Most of the temples were made from andesite (natural) stone.

East Java temples.

• Temples were built after 1000 A.D.

• The shape of the buildings are slim.

• The top of the temple forms a cube.

• The reliefs only slightly protrude and the paintings show sign/symbolism like wayang (Javanese puppet made from leather).

• Most of the temples face west direction.

• Most of the temples were made from bricks.

Check out my other guide on The Ornaments of Temples
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The Symbolical Meaning of Temples in Hinduism and Buddhism

The symbolical meaning of a temple from Hinduism perspective. The foot of the temple represents the lower level of life (Bhurloka). Bhurloka is the environment where living creatures or ordinary people live.

The body of the temple represents the intermediate level of life (Bhuvarloka). Bhuvarloka is the place where humans leave their worldly nature to be half-god creatures. This is why in the body of the temple there is the statue of a king. It means that the body of the king has been purified.

The top of the temple represents the higher level of life (Svarloka). Svarloka is the place of gods, the most sacred and free from death.

The symbolical meaning of a temple from Buddhism perspective. The foot of the temple represents the world of desire (Kamadhatu). Kamadhatu is the world where desire plays significant a role in life.

The body of the temple represents the world of forms (Rupadhatu). Rupadhatu is the world which is free from overwhelming desires, but human is still bound to its names and forms.

The top of the temple represents the formless world (Arupadhatu). Arupadhatu is the world which has no orientation to names and forms.

Check out my other guide on Hindu Gods Statue
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